Welcome to Apt 2106!
This last month I moved into Apt 2106 with my roommate Chaya. I’ve got an itsy bitsy teeny weeny two-bedroom apartment. It may be small and it may be furnished with not-my-first-choice furniture but it’s mine, and I love it.

This weekend Chaya and I had an apartment warming party to kick of our senior year and bring some of our friends together for a great night. Chaya and I met in a Communication Persuasion course last year and the rest is history! She is a double major of early childhood education and Communication Studies like me. Our apartment came furnished with standard pieces (couch, chair, fridge, beds, dressers and unfortunately built in desks) but we have made the most of it and decorated the apartment to fit our own tastes. This week on my blog I will be posting some great decorating and DIY projects that fit a college budget and bring life to any dull student apartment!
But first! My favorite housewarming party tips for any great hostess!
I know this sounds simple. A good clean home will make your guests feel comfortable and welcomed. Would you want to sit on a dirty toilet seat? Or walk into a room with an un made bed? This probably will make people feel a little weary to eat your food and to sit down on the furniture.
For a housewarming party I would suggest to omit a sit down dinner and keep it simple. Fill your home with tons of fun finger foods. I have a thing for bruschetta so of course I had a few platters out, plus you can make bruschetta the night before and it will stay fresh for the next day! My other appetizer laid out were cantaloupe and prosciutto balls drizzled with honey. Also if you really want to go all out with finger foods, fondue is the ultimate shareable food!
Chaya and I mailed out real paper invitations (how archaic right?!) We also put a fun little riddle on the invitation saying “If you feel the need, bottles of wine and wedges of cheese are always a good deed”. People brought such fun cheeses like baked brie topped with figs, strawberry chipotle cream cheese dip, and a TON of wine!
We stocked up the bar cart for the occasion but people always gravitate to things that are already served for them. We laid out a bunch of wine glasses with sugar rims and fresh fruit and served white wine sangria. Sangria is my go to party drink. It’s strong, relatively cheap and tastes great!
You can check out my sparkling lemonade sangria & pineapple orange sangria !
As much as I love a sit down dinner, this was a housewarming party and it needed a fun atmosphere. Music is my number one. Make a fun playlist that will keep an upbeat tone and maybe even get people dancing! Number two: candles! We lined up our apartment hallway with candles in mason jars to help guide people to our door. When people called us and asked us where are apartment was we just said “follow the candles” it was fun, inexpensive and it gives people a great first impression of what your party will be like. Number three: flowers. I’m an absolute sucker or a beautiful vase of flowers. This is an extra special touch that brings your home from sparkling to dazzling.
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