The classic has never tasted so delicious. 

So in all seriousness I know I’m supposed to be posting about autumns squash, best way to brine your turkey and pumpkin pie and BELIEVE ME, I will! Promise!

But first… we gotta talk about meatball sandwiches. I mean just look at this thing. The cheese alone was seriously making me drool while taking these photos. A meatball sandwich is one of those things that I really have never made from home. I feel like I mostly just eat them at a small little hole in the wall Italian place, ya know? 

Jared’s in Japan for the next two weeks on business (gah, we’re starting to sound sooo old haha) and the weekend before he left he was begging for meat and nothing fish related. Bacon and meatballs were his meaty request and when someone leaves for a while you just make them whatever they want right?! 

I pretty much took his three favorite things (cheese, beef, and bacon) and put them into a sandwich. I’ll save you the gruesome details but he practically inhaled two of them and grunted at me. Pretty sure he was trying to say “thank you” or something along those lines. 

I swear I am such a people pleaser. Giving someone their favorite foods is just so joyful to me. I don’t care how long it takes or if I am covered in flour by the end of a recipe. If I put a smile on someones face but something I made, that feeling is seriously priceless. 

Soo meatballs!

I’m not a crazy fan. I’m never the person to be like can we PLEEASEEEE have meatballs and spaghetti. But there is something about making your own and putting your own favorite ingredients that elevates the experience and the taste. 

These meatballs were what every meatball should be.

They were earthy with tons of fresh herbs. Spiked with flavor with copious amounts of minced garlic. And even a little sinful as they were made with chopped bacon and stuffed with copious amounts of mozzarella cheese. 

As if bacon meatballs weren’t enough… we went and stuffed them. Just how we like to conduct business over here on The Whisking Kitchen. 

Give em a try. Make em for your man. Or whoever in your life loves meatballs. I just know they were boyfriend approved and boyfriend inhaled.



1 Lb. of ground beef (80/20 fat / meat)
1/2 Cup of italian bread crumbs
1/2 White onion, finely chopped
1 Whole egg
2-3 Mozzarella cheese sticks, cubed
(8 ounces of raw bacon) 1/2 Cup of chopped bacon
3-4 Garlic cloves, minced
1/2 Tablespoon of minced fresh thyme
1/2 Tablespoon of minced fresh rosemary
1/2 Tablespoon of minced fresh oregano
1/2 Teaspoon of salt
1/2 Teaspoon of freshly cracked pepper
2-3 Cup of finely shredded mozzarella cheese
1 Jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
4 Kaiser rolls
Preheat oven 350 degrees Fahrenheit 

In a large saute pan saute your bacon until cooked and crispy. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate to drain and chop very finely. In a large mixing bowl add in ground beef, bread crumbs, onions, garlic, egg, bacon, herbs, salt and pepper, and mix well. 

Form 1-2 inch meatballs around mozzarella cheese stick cubes. Roll all meatballs and fry in bacon fat for 15-20 minutes or until cooked through. Add in jar of sauce and heat until steaming. Slice open kaiser rolls and add three meatballs and plenty of sauce. Top with 1/2 – 1 Cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and melt in the oven for 10 minutes or until cheese is gooey and melty.  

Elizabeth, author of Everyday Elizabeth, drinking at a gathering.

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One Comment

  1. Just FYI the amount of bacon is missing in the recipe.

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