With Easter right around the corner I couldn’t possibly leave out a good DIY Bagel & Lox bar. Since I was tall enough to even reach the counter I remember having a bagel and lox bar at Easter Brunch at my Papa’s house. While I didn’t touch it till I was 18 (I was a SUPER picky eater as a kid), it was there in all of it’s smoky fish glory. Now that I am older and enjoy all of the food groups on this board I have to say the lox and bagel bar is so fun!

This kind of bar is something that you can put together the DAY OF. You don’t have to slave over a jumbo twenty pound Easter Ham all morning and it is all relatively easy. Pick a good cozy corner in your house or patio and dedicate it for all things bagel and lox. I like to elevate the breads on different cake stands for some depth and keep all of the fruits and veggies on some really nice cutting / cheese boards. Use small bowls for all the cream cheese.

We kept it simple with everything and plain bagels but go nuts! Grab minis, gluten free bagels or even some on the sweeter side. Leave the smoked salmon on it’s own dedicated plate incase you have some vegetarians. But be sure to top it with lemons, capers, and dill for some extra color and pop! A little styling on DIY bars like this go along ways! Think floral decor, linens or maybe even some Easter decorations!


-Onion and chive
-Whatever favorite flavor you like!
**Be sure to keep a toaster near by or pre toast the bagels lightly 

-3 different kinds of cream cheese
*Be sure to have some good spread knives on hand! 

-Heirloom tomato slices
-Red Onion
-Lemon slices
-Fresh Dill

Elizabeth, author of Everyday Elizabeth, drinking at a gathering.

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